Ultrasound is a diagnostic technique that uses high frequency sound waves to produce pictures of internal tissues and organs. During this procedure, a special gel is spread onto the area to be examined, then a transducer (small hand-held probe which emits sound waves) is passed over the area. The echoes it picks up are converted into an image, which is then reviewed by a Consultant Radiologist, who produces a written report for the consultant surgeon.
Ultrasound scans are painless. The ultrasound exam lasts approximately 15 minutes.
The most common procedures using ultrasound include:
- Breast scan
- Examination of the axilla
- Guided fine needle aspiration cytology and core biopsy
- Guided skin marking to assist surgical excision
- Vacuum biopsy
- Breast implant review: check integrity of Implants eg PIP
- Trans-Vaginal examination
- Liver scan
- Abdominal scan
- Pelvic scan
- Testicular scan
- Prostate
The skill of our Breast Specialist Consultant Radiologists and state of the art equipment ensure accuracy in checking the integrity of PIP breast implants.