Anal Sepsis Fistula

When the glands within the anus get blocked and become infected it causes the formation of abscesses in the nearby tissue. 

A channel is usually left behind when this abscess drains away. This channel or anal fistula opens out into the skin around your anus.

What happens during your appointment?

During your initial assessment, your consultant will review your medical history and ask you about your symptoms and bowel movements, which will be followed by a rectal examination. If they suspect a fistula, they will further request a proctoscopy and scans to help confirm the diagnosis and determine the most suitable treatment for you.

Treatment Options

Your consultant will usually recommend surgery as anal sepsis fistula does not heal if left alone.

  • Seton technique
  • Fistulotomy
  • Flap
  • Fibrin glue
  • VAAFT (Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment)

What are the symptoms you may have?

The most common symptoms you may experience if you have anal sepsis fistula include:

  • constant throbbing pain with any movement, sitting, bowels or cough
  • skin around the anus gets irritable
  • swelling, redness and tenderness around the anus
  • smelly discharge of pus and blood while passing stools
  • fever, if you have an abscess
  • bowel inconsistency

What causes anal fistula?

In most cases anal fistula is formed if the drained anal abscess does not heal properly. Other causes include:

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