Private Gynaecology Clinic London

Our multidisciplinary team work together to provide you with a range of services to help you with other gynaecology conditions.


It is a benign condition that occurs when the tissue lining your uterus starts to thicken and breakdown. This leads to heavy periods, severe cramps and painful intercourse.

Bartholin Cysts

When the Bartholin’s glands get obstructed, the fluid they secrete back up into the gland resulting into a cyst. If this gets infected it can form an abscess.

Chronic Vaginal Discharge

You can call, email or complete a form to book your appointment. We are always happy to help. Vaginal discharge can be caused either due to infection, inflammation, pregnancy or just poor hygiene. Abnormal discharge could be symptoms of yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, menopause or certain types of STIs. In some cases, a brownish or blood-tinged discharge could be a sign of cervical cancer.


It is a disorder that occurs when tissue similar to the lining of your uterus grows outside your uterus cavity. The endometrial-like tissue tends to grow over your ovaries, fallopian tubes and the tissue around your pelvis. Eventually, due to hormonal changes this tissue tends to grow and thicken causing it to break down and become trapped in your pelvis. Endometriosis is painful and may develop fertility issues if not treated in time.


They are benign growths of muscle or fibrous tissue in and around the womb. They are most commonly formed during your reproductive years and can vary in size – from that of a pea to a melon.

Heavy Periods

Menorrhagia or heavy periods is normal but if ignored over a period of time could lead to anemia (iron deficiency). There are various underlying reasons that could cause you to bleed heavily – conditions related to your womb or hormonal reasons like PCOS and fibroid, stress or the use of other medications.


Usually caused due to past pelvic infections, hydrosalpinges occurs when your fallopian tubes are filled with fluid resulting to them being blocked. This obstruction in the tubes can inhibit pregnancy. Other causes include STIs and endometriosis.


Menopause is usually preceded by irregular periods, which eventually stops completely.

During this phase, your consultant will conduct a gynaecological examination and tests to ensure your well-being.

Ovarian Cysts

Developed over one of your ovaries, these cysts are fluid filled sacs that are usually painless and asymptomatic. They are most likely to be benign with a very rare chance of it being cancerous. Depending on the size and type of the cyst your consultant will recommend treatment.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a common condition that can be best described as irregular to no menstruation. Caused by excessive amounts of the hormone androgens and may lead to enlarged ovaries that contain follicles around the egg. If not treated in time the lining in your uterus thickens and develops precancerous changes.


These are small bumpy tissue growths in the inner lining of your uterus that are most commonly benign. As they are formed due to abnormal tissue growth, they could become malignant. Depending on the size and severity your consultant will advise you on treatment options which include polypectomy and hysterectomy.

Vaginal Prolapse

This happens due to the weakening of your pelvic floor muscles causing either your uterus, bladder or rectum to droop down and protrude out of your vagina.

Screening and diagnostic services

Pipelle Biopsy

If you suffer from abnormal bleeding problems, your consultant will take a tiny sample of the lining of the womb mostly done under local anaesthesia for diagnostic purposes.

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy with Biopsy

Your consultant gynaecologist with the help of a hysteroscope will examine the inside of your uterus and cervix. During this, they might use the hysteroscope to take a tissue sample (biopsy)


Colposcopy helps detect and distinguish pre-malignant and malignant lesions in your cervix, vagina and vulva. During the colposcopy diagnostic procedure, your consultant uses a colposcope to examine the area.

Cone Biopsy of Cervix

A cone biopsy of the cervix is the removal of a cone-shaped wedge of tissue in the cervix used for diagnostic purposes. It is also used to treat and remove any abnormal tissue that are high in the cervical canal. A small amount of normal tissue around the cone-shaped wedge of abnormal tissue is also removed to ensure a margin free of abnormal cells is left in the cervix.


Vulvoscopy is an examination of the vulva which comprises of the clitoris and two pairs of skin folds (labia) forming the external visible part of the female genitalia. If you notice vaginal itching, redness, swelling or any change in colour of the area, a biopsy is conducted in order to remove cells from the vulva to send for further testing.

ZIWIG Endotest®

This revolutionary new test, Ziwig Endotest®, offers an accurate diagnosis for any type of endometriosis quickly and easily.
The test is based on gene sequencing coupled with the use of artificial intelligence, using microRNA from saliva.

Developed by a French company, it has been validated by one of the largest clinical studies for endometriosis, in collaboration with up to six French centres specialising in endometriosis.
Historically, key hole surgery (invasive) was used to diagnose endometriosis. EndoTest is non-invasive and very patient-friendly, providing a definitive answer in less time than ever before.

Meet our Clinic Team

Learn more about the consultants and surgeons at our Women’s Health clinic.

Book an Appointment

You can call, email or complete a form to book your appointment. We are always happy to help.


We have prepared a list of questions and answers to help you on your journey with us.

Fees & Payments

Here you will find information about costs related to our services. This helps us be more transparent to you.

Surgery FAQs

Your procedures under local anaesthetic will be carried out within our day surgery unit in the clinic itself. 

Almost an hour post your procedure your local anaesthesia will begin to wear off and you may experience discomfort from the procedure site. However, this can take several hours. If this is the case, we advise you take a paracetamol to help subside the pain but if it is unbearable you can call our team for assistance.


In the unlikely event that you bleed following surgery; don’t panic! We recommend that you sit down and press the dressing of your wound firmly for 15 minutes.

Although wound infection is rare, you should still be aware of any changes to your wound site and its surrounding areas. Some tenderness, redness and swelling is normal after skin surgery. If you experience ongoing redness, pain, swelling, or oozing or you develop a fever we urge you to contact the clinic immediately.

Avoid swimming or other activities where the treatment area is immersed in water until the stiches have come off or is no longer visible and for longer if required. We highly recommend avoiding strenuous exercises or activity that would significantly stretch the wound should also be avoided until the wound has had time to heal (at least 2-3 weeks).


It’s quite safe to get your wound damp (not wet) after the 3rd day following your surgery; the dressing covering your wound is mostly waterproof, although soaking your wound in a bath, or swimming, is not recommended for 2 weeks.
