Fees & Payments
How much does it cost?
Menopause Health Check
- Consultation
- Blood Tests
- HPV Test
- Transvaginal Ultrasound
- Follow Up
Recurrent Miscarriage Testing
- Consultation
- Blood Tests
- Follow Up
Fertility Profile
- Consultation
- Blood Tests
- Follow Up
- An ultrasound may be required, but it is not included in the package price.
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
- Consultation
- Blood Tests
- Follow Up
- An ultrasound to monitor the baby’s heartbeat may be required, but it is not included in the package price.
PCOP Package
- Consultation
- Blood Tests
- Follow Up
Fibroids Package
- Consultation
- Blood Tests
- Pelvic Ultrasound Scan
- Follow Up
- MRI mapping may be required, but it is not included in the package price.
Consultation Charges
Initial consultation | 300 |
Routine follow up | 220 |
HPV Vaccination | 880 |
Implant Removal | 550 |
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy (No Biopsy) | 1320 |
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy with Biopsy | 2065 |
Hysteroscopy and Polypectomy | 3240 |
Removal of Coil under Hysteroscopic Guidance | 1320 |
Removal of Coil (Straight forward) | 560 |
Treatment of Bartholin’s Cyst (with word catheter insertion) | 1250 |
Fitting of Hormonal Coil (Mirena) | 800 |
Fitting of copper-based coil (under local anaesthetic) | 700 |
MonaLisa Touch Treatment - One treatment | 700 |
MonaLisa Touch Treatment - 3 treatments (recommended) | 1600 |
Insertion of a Vaginal Support Pessary Ring | 260 |