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Routine x-rays

Bilateral Mammogram300
Unilateral Mammogram240
Extra views (left and Right)160
Contrast enhanced bilateral mammogram775
Contrast enhanced unilateral mammogram720
Film Comparisons & Review150
MRI/CT Scan Review275
Bilateral Mammogram including 3D tomosynthesis views350
Unilateral Mammogram including 3D tomosynthesis views315
Bilateral Breast Ultrasound310
Uni-lateral Breast Ultrasound240
Bilateral Breast and Axilla Ultrasound350
Uni-lateral Breast and Axilla Ultrasound290
Bilateral Axillary Ultrasound280
Uni-lateral Axilla Ultrasound195
Liver Ultrasound245
Abdominal Ultrasound350
Pelvic Ultrasound295
Abdominal and Pelvic Ultrasound450
Back Ultrasound300
Neck ultrasound250
Thyroid U/S250
Scrotal Ultrasound (Both testes)315
Groin Ultrasound350
Testes & Groin U/S350
Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound350
Ultrasound other sites300
Stork Views180
Chest Xray145
Shoulder Xray145
Both Shoulders Xray165
Dorsal Spine Xray130
Lumbar Spine150
Lumbar Spine with 3 obliques185
Cervical Spine 1 View120
Cervical Spine 2 Views145
Cervical Spine 3 Views160
Cervical Spine 4/5 Views180
Ribs Xray145
Abdo Xray – 2 views145
Elbow Xray120
Both Elbows Xray170
Forearm Xray120
Hand Xray120
Both Hands Xray165
Finger Xray120
Pelvis Xray145
Hip Xray145
Both Hips Xray185
Knee Xray120
Both Knees Xray170
Femur Xray145
Ankle Xray120
Both Ankles Xray170
Foot Xray120
Both Feet Xray170
Scaphoid views120

Imaging – if required

MRI review275