We strive to take the best care of our patients. On occasions, a patient may wish to make a complaint or provide us with feedback on their experience with us.
Please use the details below to make a complaint or provide us feedback. The Practice Manager will acknowledge your correspondence within two working days and provide a full written response, within 20 working days.

Stage 1
Local Resolution
Your complaint will be reviewed by Clair Linnane our Practice Manager, who may ask to communicate with you to help her understand the issue better. This will be followed by a thorough and fair investigation to establish facts. Once completed you will be formally responded to in full.
Stage 2
Internal Review
If you were dissatisfied with the Practice Manager’s response, you can ask for an Internal review.
This would addressed to the Surgical Director, Mr Simon Marsh who will ensure a comprehensive review is completed of your complaint. A telephone or in person meeting will be offered during which actions and decisions from stage 1 will be confirmed or an alternative solution may be discussed.
A full written response will be sent to you within 20 working days. This will be by email or post, we will ask for your preference.
Stage 3
Independent External Adjudicator
If you are unhappy with the outcome you have the right to request an Independent external adjudication by the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service, known as (ISCAS).
Please write to: Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service, CEDR, 3rd Floor, 100 St. Paul’s Churchyard, London EC4M 8BU
Telephone: 020 7536 6091