At 108 Harley Street, we continue to take precautionary measures to ensure your safety along with the wellbeing of our staff. We trust you will continue to support us help to keep you and our staff safe.
Current update – September 2022
Following government guidelines, the use of face masks within 108 Harley Street is optional.
Face masks are available to all staff, consultants and patients at 108 Harley Street. Patient comfort is our priority, so should you wish to wear a mask, please ask a member of staff who will gladly provide you with one.
A hand sanitisation station is set up at our main entrance, and hand gel is available throughout the clinic. We encourage all staff and patients to sanitise their hands regularly.
Our protocols are based on the most up to date Government and Public Health England guidance, and our policies are reviewed as national guidance changes.

What if you develop symptoms closer to your appointment?
If you or anyone in your household has symptoms of COVID 19, we politely request that you contact the team on 0207 563 1234 to re-arrange your appointment.