Women’s Health Surgery Journey

Your consultant will discuss with you the most appropriate type of surgery based on your condition. Our nurse will be present to provide you with any additional information or support you may need during your treatment process.

What to expect as your surgery journey?

On the morning of your operation, you will be admitted to the hospital where your contact information and payment details will be taken.

Once admitted to your room a nurse will confirm your personal details, answer any questions concerning hospital procedures and attach a bracelet to your wrist with your name and hospital number.


Before you go in for surgery, if your consultant requests for any further investigations, such as blood tests, ECG or X-Rays, these will be undertaken by the hospital team who will contact you for a pre-operative appointment. Your surgeon will come visit you and ask you to sign a consent form.

The Consultant Anaesthetist may also make a pre-operative visit to ask relevant questions and explain the method of anaesthesia.

You will be given antibiotics during the surgery to prevent any infection. The utmost care will be taken to keep optimal temperature control to aid the body to recover quickly from anaesthesia.

A constant monitoring of fluid balance will be undertaken to maintain hydration. Where feasible your operation will be performed by Keyhole to aid in quick recovery.

Types of surgery

You will be provided with leaflets for all the procedures you are going to have. Once you read them if you have any questions please feel free to contact our nursing team.

Your consultant will discuss the type of surgery best suited for you prior to your admission to the hospital.


If the surgery was straight forward, you will be allowed free fluids/light diet as tolerated. IV fluids will be administered to maintain hydration and the urine catheter will remain to help avoid too much mobilisation. You will be given a plan from the anaesthetist regarding pain management post-surgery.

You will also be taught how to perform deep breathing exercises and leg exercises to prevent infection and clots in the leg. You will have medications for sickness.

If your operation was performed by keyhole, we would encourage you to mobilise and your catheter will be removed. We would also advise you to slowly build up on food and fluid intake. You will be provided with pain killers, anti-sickness tablets and stool softeners. We would advise you to take them regularly for 5 days which would help in enhanced recovery.

If your pain is under control and you are tolerating light diet, a discharge will be planned and you ill be free to go home. Often with keyhole operations you will be home the same day or next day. With operations involving a tummy cut (laparotomy) you will stay in the hospital for 2-3 days.

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