We at 108 Harley Street believe that every individual has the right to live in a safe environment, free from abuse and neglect. We as a clinic understand the importance of helping individuals receive the right guidance and encourage them to make their own informed decision towards their protection and safeguarding. It is ‘our responsibility’ to recognise warning signs and know who and how to report these concerns.
If YOU would like to reach out and talk to someone, please get in touch with any of our Safeguarding Leads or email Clair Linnane, Practice Manager and safeguarding lead. If you feel imminent threat call 999 immediately.
Useful contacts:
- National Domestic Violence Helpline, 0808 2000 247
- London LGBT Abuse Partnership, 020 7704 2040, advice and therapeutic services
- Shelter, 0808 800 4444, for advice on housing and homelessness
- Karma Nirvana Honour Based Abuse Helpline, 0800 5999 247
- IKWRO Women’s Rights Organisation, 020 7920 6460
- Victim Support Helpline, 0808 1689 111, emotional support for those affected by crime
- The Mix, 0808 808 4994, free information and support for under 25s in the UK
- Respect Men’s Advice Line, 0808 801 0327, helpline for men affected by domestic abuse
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- Maternity Action, 0845 600 85 33
Legal support
- Legal Aid Agency, 0345 345 4 345
- Rights of Women, 020 7251 6577, free legal advice
- The Law Society, help finding a solicitor
- Resolution, help finding a family lawyer, 01689 820272
- Bar Council, help finding a barrister, 020 7611 1472
- Solicitors Regulation Authority, 0370 606 2555
- Bar Standards Board, 020 7611 1444
- Law Centres Network, 020 7749 9120
- Advocate
- FLOWS, RCJ Advice, 0203 745 7707
- Family Rights Group, 0808 801 0366, for advice on involvement of children services or local authority
- Coram Children’s Legal Centre, for advice on law relating to family, 0300 330 5480
- Support Through Court, 020 7947 7701
- Court forms

Children Safeguarding
Young people can be vulnerable to abuse by adults and it is everyone’s responsibility to identify and report any form of abuse thus promoting the welfare of all children.
Adult Safeguarding
Adult safeguarding means recognising and protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.