What is a mole?

Small dark marks on the skin caused by cells in the skin that produce pigment (colour). They are usually brownish, although some may be darker or skin-coloured. Moles can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, and some have hair growing from them. Moles are usually circular or oval in shape with a smooth edge.

Diagnostic excision

A lesion and a small amount of normal looking skin around it is removed. Stitches are used. You will typically have a straight-line scar that is usually 3 to 4 times the length of the lesion being removed.


The lesion is scraped off. A graze like area remains which scabs up and takes 1 to 2 weeks to heal (6 weeks on the lower legs). Stitches are not used. A pale patch resembling the outline of the lesion usually remains.

Shave biopsy

During the biopsy, the surface of a lesion is shaved off. The roots of the lesion are not removed. The skin will heal from underneath always. Stitches are not used in this procedure. You will have a pale circular scar which is usually flat and the same outline as the base of the lesion that […]

Incisional biopsy

A small eye-shaped piece of skin is removed. Stitches are used to close the area and you will have a small scar. The typical scar is a straight line that is around 1 to 5 millimetres depending on the size of the biopsy that is needed.

Punch biopsy

During this procedure, a small round bladed instrument is used to remove a round core of tissue ranging from 3 to 8 millimetres in diameter. A stitch or 2 may be used however, sometimes stitches are not used. You may have a small scar which appears as a 3 to 8-millimetre fine line which may […]

Surgery (local anaesthetic)

If your consultant recommends a minor procedure under local anaesthetic, this is done at our day surgery unit within the clinic. They type of procedure depends on the size and spread of the cancer. Pre-surgery If your consultant suggests and you decide to proceed to surgery (under local anaesthetic) you will be asked to sign […]

Types of skin cancer

Following your diagnosis your consultant will carry out further tests to identify the type of cancer you have and the extent of its spread. This then confirms the treatment plan that would be tailor-made for you. Basal cell carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a non-melanoma skin cancer originating in the basal cell layer. It […]


Cryotherapy literally means ‘treatment using low temperature’ and refers to the removal of skin lesions by freezing them. The most common agent used by your consultant is liquid nitrogen.

Deep Oscillation®

Deep Oscillation Therapy is used by our specialist for post-operative treatment and management of swelling, scars, seroma, lymphoedema of the breast, trunk, arm and or hand. The gentle, yet effective, electrostatic impulses are delivered through gloved hands or applicators and are clinically proven to permeate an 8cm depth, impacting all tissue layers; including the connective […]
