Sports Injury Surgery Journey
Prior to your surgery, your consultant will explain the entire procedure to you. We encourage you to raise any questions or concerns you may have
Prior to your surgery, your consultant will explain the entire procedure to you. We encourage you to raise any questions or concerns you may have
What is Gilmore’s Groin? Gilmore’s Groin – so named as it was first recognised by 108 Harley Street’s own founder, the late Mr Jerry Gilmore
Post your rehabilitation if you fail to show any improvement your surgeon will indicate that surgery is required. Gilmore’s Groin can be successfully treated by
Our team of experts have established a rehabilitation programme for Gilmore’s Groin. Your consultant may recommend this programme as an alternative to surgery. Although if
In some cases, the adductor tendon may get repeatedly injured or tears and heals badly causing it to thicken and get rigid. This is because the muscle underneath the tendon is prevented from moving smoothly and when it contracts suddenly, the rigid tendon prevents the muscle contracting properly and the muscle itself tears.
If this happens then your consultant will advise an adductor tenotomy.
Small dark marks on the skin caused by cells in the skin that produce pigment (colour). They are usually brownish, although some may be darker
A lesion and a small amount of normal looking skin around it is removed. Stitches are used. You will typically have a straight-line scar that
During the biopsy, the surface of a lesion is shaved off. The roots of the lesion are not removed. The skin will heal from underneath
A small eye-shaped piece of skin is removed. Stitches are used to close the area and you will have a small scar. The typical scar
Monday – Thursday
8:00am – 18:00pm
8:00am – 17:30pm
Saturday – Sunday
X-Ray & Imaging Department
Monday – Friday
9:00am – 17:00pm