If your consultant recommends a minor procedure under local anaesthetic, this is done at our day surgery unit within the clinic. They type of procedure depends on the size and spread of the cancer.
If your consultant suggests and you decide to proceed to surgery (under local anaesthetic) you will be asked to sign a consent form. You will have an opportunity to ask your consultant any questions about the procedure, risks involved and any other query.
After you sign the consent form, our nurse will accompany you and will show you to the changing area and prepare you for theatre.
Types of surgery
During your appointment prior to suggesting surgery, your consultant will discuss the procedure and your treatment plan. They may conduct a skin biopsy where a sample of skin is removed and sent to the Pathology laboratory to be analysed under the microscope. This will help to diagnose your skin condition and plan treatment.
Following your procedure, our nurse will provide and guide you with your wound care advice. An appointment will also be arranged for the removal of the sutures and to discuss your histopathology results, where appropriate.