Epigastric Hernia occurs higher up, above the umbilicus, where there may be a weakness between the muscles on either side as they meet in the middle (called the linea alba, or white line), through which the abdominal contents can protrude. This is usually fatty tissue (the omentum) but it can be bowel.
The aim of the epigastric hernia repair is to close this hole and prevent the hernia.
During your epigastric hernia repair surgery the hernia is identified and pushed back (reduced) into the tummy. The hole is usually quite small and can be repaired with a small number of strong, permanent stitches.
In first time epigastric hernias a mesh is very rarely needed.
Post-surgery experience
- you will have a bruise.
- The scar is always numb, and you may get some odd tingling or shooting pains during healing. These are normal and nothing to worry about.
- The wound may also get swollen, and as the scar tissue forms it can become quite hard and nodular. This always settles down, but it can take a few months.
- The scar itself will fade and go pale over period of several months.