Breast cancer in men

Breast cancer is very rare in men with the diagnosis and treatment being exactly the same as that for women.

What causes breast cancer in men?

Although breast cancer is very rare in men under 60, it is most common in men who have had several close members of their family, diagnosed with breast cancer:

  • a close relative diagnosed with breast cancer in both breasts 
  • a relative diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 40 
  • several members of their family with cancer of the ovary or colon.

In rare circumstances, men with high oestrogen levels, or men who have been exposed to repeated doses of radiation, particularly at a young age, may be at an increased risk of developing breast cancer.  

A rare genetic condition called Klinefelters Syndrome that is men that have an extra female chromosome present also have an increased risk.

What treatment options are available?

The principles are exactly the same as for women.  The main difference is that most men will need a mastectomy, as there is not enough breast tissue simply to remove the lump alone.

Other treatments, such as hormonal therapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy will depend on the exact type of cancer and its characteristics as determined by the pathologist.

Family cancer genetics history

If you think you may have an increased risk of developing cancer because of your family history, our consultants may advice you to get a genetic test to determine if you may have certain gene mutations.

Learn more about our genetic testing

If you have any questions or concerns about Male Breast Cancer, please do not hesitate to contact one of our specialist breast care nurses for information or advice on [phone_number]. 

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