Gilmore’s Groin & Hernia

The Gilmore’s Groin & Hernia Clinic, led by Mr Simon Marsh will assist you with the diagnosis and treatment of groin disruption (also known as Gilmore’s Groin), hernias, adductor injuries and lower abdominal or pelvis pain by offering non-mesh, open and laparoscopic hernia repairs.

You can now book your appointment online! 

About the clinic

First recognised by 108 Harley Street’s late Founder, Mr Jerry Gilmore, the Gilmore’s Groin and Hernia Clinic has since been led by Mr Simon Marsh, our Surgical Director. Over the years, Mr Simon Marsh has made adaptations to the repair of the Gilmore Groin, which we now call ‘Marsh Modification’ of the Gilmore Technique.

108 Harley Street

108 Harley Street, London, W1G 7ET

+44 (0)207 563 1234