Fine Needle Aspiration

A fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is performed by one of our radiologists. It is often done to draw out samples from a lump that may be found in your breast right under your skin. The radiologist, using ultrasound as a guide, uses a very thin and hollow needle into the area and suctions out a sample which is then send to a pathologist lab for further analysis.

What is BRAC Analysis?

BRAC analysis detects if you may have Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) syndrome. If HBOC runs in your family it may be because of a mutation or alteration in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. This may increase your risk of developing cancer cells. There is an 87% risk of developing breast cancer and up to a 44% risk of developing ovarian cancer in your lifetime. Are you suitable for the test? This depends on whether you/ your family have had: breast cancer diagnosed at less than 50 years old two primary breast cancers in the same individual two individuals with breast cancer on the same side of the family male […]

What are second opinions?

If you are unsure about what a GP may have said in regards to a health condition related to you, getting a second opinion could be a good option. This is when another consultant or doctor looks at your medical history and provide an independent opinion. Requesting a second opinion (or transfer of care) is your right and is not regarded as discourteous by your original team. In some cases, it could be very useful, i.e. for complex cancer treatment plans. Second opinions help clarify options and confirm important decisions and treatments made by the original consultant or doctor. Most patients who decide to take a second opinion do so […]

Issues related to breast implants

Women are recommended to have regular health checks for their breast implants. If proper checks are not conducted, health-related issues can be ignored. Breast implant rupture If you experience symptoms, you should contact a doctor as it could mean there is a rupture in your breast implants. Symptoms of breast implant rupture lumps or swelling in and around the breast region a change in the shape of the breast redness around the breast pain and tenderness or a burning sensation in the breast area enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit Breast Implant Associated-Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) BIA-ALCL is a rare type of lymphoma that is found to be associated […]

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

If you are concerned about a new lump or swelling please get in touch with your GP. Most lumps found in the breast are non-cancerous and benign but it is always best to have them checked. The most common symptoms and signs of breast cancer you should look out for are: If you feel a new lump, swelling or tissue thickness either in your breast, under your armpits A change in the size or shape of either or both your breasts If the skin of your breasts starts showing signs of dimpling or puckering Your breast starts to look more reddish or inflamed Any change in the appearance of your […]

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