Breast Screening Mammograms

Breast screening helps detect cancer or any other abnormalities at an early stage. This helps with early treatment. To help with early detection, women are advised to get their mammograms annually done, once they reach age 40 and over. You can self refer for your mammogram provided you have no breast symptoms and are registered with a NHS GP. At 108 Harley Street, our walk-in imaging clinic offers you rapid diagnostic tests which include routine breast mammography, ultrasounds for women below the age of 40 and other procedures like biopsies, cyst aspiration and marker insertions all under one roof. Early detection gives us the chance to treat it before the cancer spreads […]

Breast cancer in men

Breast cancer is very rare in men with the diagnosis and treatment being exactly the same as that for women. What causes breast cancer in men? Although breast cancer is very rare in men under 60, it is most common in men who have had several close members of their family, diagnosed with breast cancer: a close relative diagnosed with breast cancer in both breasts  a relative diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 40  several members of their family with cancer of the ovary or colon. In rare circumstances, men with high oestrogen levels, or men who have been exposed to repeated doses of radiation, particularly at a […]

What is mastalgia?

Mastalgia is a medical term for breast pain and is rarely a symptom of a serious disease, however can be debilitating and cause anxiety. The key step in management of breast pain is accurate diagnosis as sometimes neck, muscle and chest wall problems can present a pain in the breast. Mastalgia occurs in two-thirds of women and most commonly in premenopausal women. Cyclic mastalgia Cyclic mastalgia is when the breast pain occurs in a regular pattern. This could be due to the menstrual cycle or changes of hormone levels in the body. Women who experience cyclic mastalgia may experience symptoms. Symptoms of cyclic mastalgia breast pain or heaviness breast swelling […]

Breast cancer treatment options

The treatment for breast cancer is tailored to each individual as much as possible, so there really isn’t any such thing as an “average” treatment. There are, however, four basic types of treatment to consider: surgery, radiotherapy, endocrine treatment (such as tamoxifen or other, similar, tablets) and chemotherapy. Surgery For many people with breast cancer surgery is still the first type of treatment you will have. There are two broad types of surgery. Breast conserving surgery – The first is called breast conserving surgery. The aim is to remove the cancer with a rim of normal breast tissue around it and to leave most of the breast intact. This is […]

Types of breast cancer surgery

Surgery may be a suitable option if you suffer from breast cancer. The surgery you undergo will depend on various factors, such as: location of the cancer in your breast the stage and grade of your cancer your general health Breast conserving surgery Breast conserving surgery aims to remove the cancer with a rim of normal breast tissue around it and to leave most of the breast intact. This is also called a wide local excision, or sometimes a lumpectomy. This can be done if the lump is small relative to the size of the breast. Mastectomy If the lump is relatively large compared to the size of the breast, […]

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108 Harley Street

108 Harley Street, London, W1G 7ET

+44 (0)207 563 1234