X-Ray & Imaging Clinic

Founded in 1991, our walk-in x-ray and imaging centre provides an efficient, modern and personalised service within a friendly and reassuring environment. 

Our centre facilitates 3D mammograms, stereotactic core biopsy, digitalised plain x-ray, new and improved ultrasound imaging and vacuum assisted biopsy.

About the Clinic

Our expert radiology team offers rapid diagnostic tests which include routine breast mammography, x-ray examinations and ultrasound scans. Our team are able to perform an array of procedures including biopsies, cyst aspirations and marker insertions, all under one roof.

Book an Appointment​

You can call, email or complete a form to book your appointment. We are always happy to help.


We have prepared a list of questions and answers to help you on your journey with us.

Fees & Payments

Here you will find information about costs related to our services. This helps us be more transparent to you.

Meet our Clinic Team

Learn more about the consultants and surgeons at our X-Ray and Imaging clinic.

X-Ray & Imaging Clinic FAQs

Our team of radiologists and radiographers are available every weekday, so it can usually be within 24 hours of requesting your appointment.  In some cases, you may be able to have your appointment scheduled for the same day. This of course depends on availability.

If you are a new patient seeing one of our consultants, you will have an appointment reserved to follow your consultation. This is done so that your consultant can confirm the diagnostic tests that may be required. 

The standard charges for our most common procedures can be found here.You are free to book an appointment with any of our team of consultant radiologists, both male and female, all of whom are experts in imaging. 

If you wish to see a specific consultant, please mention their name when booking. This however, may lead to a small delay in your initial appointment.

The standard charges for our most common procedures can be found here.

It can be a little uncomfortable, however, the consultant will ensure that you are as comfortable as possible.  It only takes a few minutes to perform the test.

If your mammogram shows areas of concern that may be cancer, your radiologist may recommend additional mammograms or an ultrasound. A breast biopsy may be recommended if the area continues to appear suspicious. 

It is a procedure to remove a piece of tissue or a sample of cells from your body so that it can be analysed by a pathologist. 

The normal diagnostic tests for breast patients include mammography, ultrasound and among the other diagnostic procedures.

Having a mammogram can be uncomfortable, and some women find it painful. If you feel any pain, it usually passes quickly.

Before coming for your appointment, we request you to inform us if 

  • you would require any additional support to attend screening, for example if you have a learning disability or mobility problems.
  • you have breast implants
  • you have a pacemaker or any other implanted medical device
  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • you have had a mammogram in the last 6 months

Results for most of our investigations are routinely available within 24 hours. Your histopathology results on core biopsy however, takes 48 – 72 hours. Your consultant will go over your results in details at the time of your follow up appointment. A copy of the results will also be sent to you.

Mammograms in younger women can be difficult to interpret. The breasts of younger women contain more glands and ligaments than do those of older women, resulting in dense breast tissue that can obscure signs of cancer. With age, breast tissue becomes fattier and has fewer glands, making it easier to detect changes on mammograms.

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